Zero Waste Application Information Seminar in Shopping Malls and Chain Stores (Webinar - Online) 9 March 2021 Tuesday at 14:00

In cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning and Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, the seminar will be held over shopping malls and chain stores cooperation is to be described the zero waste practices as well as a Q&A session on the subject.

For details and the program, you can visit


Turkey-EU High-Level Dialogue Business Activity (Webinar - Online) 10-11 March 2021

Funded by the European Union and organized by our Union and the  European Trade and Industry Chambers Union (EUROCHAMBRES),  project "Turkey-EU High Level The Business World Dialogue event will be held on the online meeting platform within "Turkey-EU Business Dialogue (TEBD)

To participate in the event, registration is required on the website , where the agenda is included.

For details and the program, you can visit .


Opening Ceremony of TOBB UYUM Mediation and Dispute Resolution Center (Webinar - Online)

11 March 2021 Thursday - Time: 11:00

The TOBB COMPLIANCE Mediation and Dispute Resolution Center, which was established to provide national and international services in the field of alternative dispute resolution in legal disputes with the initiatives of TOBB, will be inaugurated with the participation of Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül and our Union President M.Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. Current developments in the field of mediation will be explained.

For details and the program, you can visit


United Kingdom-Turkey Free Trade Agreement Briefing (Webinar – Online) 11 March 2021 Thursday at 16:30

Free Trade Agreement signed between Turkey and the United Kingdom took in effect on January 1, 2021 The agreement with Turkey and United Kingdom have placed the trade relations in a new context. In order to inform our members about the agreement, on March 11, 2021 "Turkey-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Information Meeting" will be held.

For details and the program, you can visit .



Introduction to Python Programming (Online - Distance Education)

Training Date: 8 - 12 March 2021 (5 Days) | Hours 19:00 - 21:00 | Duration of Training: 10 Hours

Syntax, data types, operators, control flows in Python in the Introduction to Python Training held within the scope of Artificial Intelligence Education and Awareness Project in cooperation with TOBB, TOBB ETÜ and Global AI Hub. Basic topics such as functions and libraries will be covered.

For details and the program, you can visit .


Human Resources Management Practices After Short Work Procedures (Distance Education - Online)

Training date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - Time: 14:00 - 17:00 | Duration of Training: 3 Hours

In the training titled "Human Resources Management Practices After Short Work Procedures" conducted by TOBB University of Economics and Technology Continuous Education and Research and Application Center, the issues to be taken in the workplace after short work within the framework of human resources, human resources management processes after short work as well as premium incentives after short work. At the end of the training, participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions. A digital verifiable participation certificate will be prepared on behalf of the participants attending 70% of the training and sent to their e-mail addresses.

For details and the program, you can visit .


Negotiation 4.0 - Negotiation Training in Business World (Distance Education - Online)

Education Date: 13 - 14 March 2021 Saturday - Sunday | Duration of Training: 8 Hours

In the Negotiation 4.0 - Business World Negotiation Training held by TOBB UYUM Mediation and Conflict Resolution Center, negotiation techniques that will provide the most benefit in companies, negotiation techniques for individual and institutional capacity building and expertise in mediation will be explained, and the participants will be given the opportunity to question and answer the training.

For details and the program, you can visit .


Determining the Readiness Status of Companies and Compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) (Distance Education - Online)

Education Date: 13 - 14 March 2021 Saturday - Sunday | Duration of Training: 8 Hours

In order to reduce the risk of being faced with legal and criminal sanctions within the scope of KVKK numbered 6698 and related legislation, mandatory provisions and regulations, information will be explained as well as a Q&A session in the training.

For details and the program, you can visit .


Expert Mediation Training in Construction Law (Distance Education - Online)

Training Dates: 18 March - 4 April 2021 Duration: 64 Hours

TOBB ETU Faculty of Law and TOBB UYUM Mediation and Dispute Resolution Center, T.C. Expert Mediation Training in Construction Law will be given to the mediators registered with the Ministry of Justice. Participants will be given the opportunity of questions and answers at every stage of the training.

For details and the program, you can visit .

Announcements for SMEs:

The scope of the Technology Focused Industry Move Program was expanded.

The scope of the Technology Oriented Industry Move Program has been expanded with the "Communiqué on the Amendment of the Priority Product List Communiqué" published in the Official Gazette No. 31408 dated February 27, 2021. Turkey's increasing value-added production in order to set in 11th Development Plan focus on medium-high and high-tech sectors in the level of private support is provided to increase domestic production, it is an enclosed notification about the announcement.


The SME Support Call for TÜBİTAK 1707 Order-Based R&D Projects was opened.

It will be possible to support projects with partnerships that will be developed by SMEs with R&D and in which innovative products / processes whose potential customers are ready will be created in the company of a Customer Organization. Detailed information about the project support can be found in the attached information note.


TOBB Weekly Economic Bulletin (01-05 March 2021)

Between 01-05 March 2021, where the current developments in Turkey and the world economy TOBB Economics Weekly Newsletter is sent in addition.

You can also access the newsletter from the link .


Within the scope of the project, trainings will be given to high school and vocational high school students, high school and vocational high school teachers, university students, academics, entrepreneurs, SMEs and company employees. It will be possible to participate in the trainings free of charge by registration. Those who successfully complete the training will be awarded a certificate by TOBB, TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB ETÜ) and the Global AI Hub.

Training programs will be implemented in the form of technical and awareness-raising (non-technical) training. In technical training, "Introduction to Python" and "Introduction to Machine Learning" courses will be given, and they will be introduced to basic artificial intelligence applications.

"Artificial Intelligence" and "Robotic Process Automation Technologies" will be given in trainings aimed to raise awareness. With the trainings and the accompanying webinars, it is aimed to raise awareness of the participants about these technologies and how they can integrate them into their own fields.


Date : 9.03.2021 / Location : TOBB
Hit : 3003